
When Point Solutions (Single Purpose Solutions) grow in number, any Organization will have to face the challenge of maintaining them, incur training and other operational costs on and sometimes live with inability to switch to the latest technologies resulting in slower speed to market. Also in an attempt to get tangible benefits, many Organizations however, end up undertaking ad-hoc automation initiatives. This only leads to a lot of other challenges related to scalability and security of the applications.

Advent is a Multi-Purpose Digital Transformation Platform that precisely addresses these challenges by way of Enterprise Automation. Without altering much on the wave the Organization is functioning today, if the goal is to reduce the IT spend by about 30%, increase the speed and agility, Advent helps achieve it by generating deeper insights on inefficiencies in Software delivery process, Cloud Operations, Data / DevOps, Compliance & Security Ops and Governance Ops. This deeply engineered and AI/ML powered Platform helps identify inefficiencies in the process, wastage, reduce the manual errors, improve productivity, accelerate Time To Market – all resulting in huge cost savings that any leader of the Organization would be looking for.